Lipsa lui Kim Jong-un din spațiul public a alimentat zvonurile că liderul nord-coreean s-ar afla în stare gravă în urma unei operații sau chiar că ar fi murit. Imagini surprinse prin satelit, însă, demonstrează că dictatorul este în viață, dar că s-a izolat de teama coronavirusului.
DPRK top leader Kim Jong Un, accompanied by his wife Ri Sol Ju, visit the Rungna Peoples Pleasure Ground in Pyongyang, capital of DPRK
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DPRK top leader Kim Jong Un, accompanied by his wife Ri Sol Ju, visit the Rungna Peoples Pleasure Ground in Pyongyang, capital of DPRK
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La rencontre du leader Nord Coreen Kim Jong Un et sa femme Ri Sol Ju avec le president chinois Xi Jinping et sa femme Peng Liyuan le 28 mars 2018. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and wife Ri Sol Ju, and Chinese President Xi Jinping and wife Peng Liyuan walk together in Beijing, China. -
07 November 2018, North Korea, Pyongyang: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (R) and his wife Ri Sol Ju waves to Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel and his wife Lis Cuesta Peraza as they depart Pyongyang airport after a three-day visit. The content of this image is provided by the North Korean News Agency KCNA and cannot be independently verified. Photo: –/kcna/dpa -
June 12, 2019 – Paju, GYEONGGI, SOUTH KOREA – June 12, 2019-Paju, South Korea-In this photo, provided by the unification ministry, North Korean leader Kim Jong-uns sister, Kim Yo-jong (R), speaks to Chung Eui-yong (C), head of South Koreas presidential National Security Office, and Rep. Park Jie-won of the minor opposition Party for Democracy and Peace at the border village of Panmunjom on June 12, 2019, beside flowers the North Korean leader is sending to the funeral of former first lady Lee Hee-ho, who died on June 10. (Credit Image: © South Korean Unification Ministr via ZUMA Wire) -
HANDOUT – 21 June 2019, North Korea, Pyongyang: Chinese President Xi Jinping (2-L) and his wife Peng Liyuan (L) attend a meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un (2-R) and his wife Ri Sol-ju (R) during an offical dinner. Photo: -/KCNA/dpa – ATTENTION: editorial use only and only if the credit mentioned above is referenced in full -
HANDOUT – 04 December 2019, North Korea, Paektu Mountain: An undated photo provided by the North Korean state news agency (KCNA), on 4 December 2019, shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (C), and his wife Ri Sol Ju, (R), riding horses during their visit to Paektu Mountain. Photo: -/KCNA/dpa – ACHTUNG: Nur zur redaktionellen Verwendung im Zusammenhang mit der aktuellen Berichterstattung und nur mit vollständiger Nennung des vorstehenden Credits -
HANDOUT – 22 December 2019, North Korea, Pyongyang: An undated photo released by the official North Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) on 22 December 2019 shows North Korean leader Kim Jong-un presiding over an enlarged meeting of the North Korean Workers Partys Central Military Commission. Photo: -/KCNA/dpa – ATTENTION: editorial use only and only if the credit mentioned above is referenced in full -
Ferrari Press Agency
Virus images 1
Ref 11526
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Picture credit: NIAID-RMLThese stunning microscopic images show the coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 outbreak.The shapes and colours look more like abstract art works than deadly infection.They were made by the USA governments National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases on its scanning and transmission electron microscopes at its Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Montana.Rocky Mountain Lab investigator Emmie de Wit provided the virus samples as part of her studies.Microscopist Elizabeth Fischer produced the images, and the Rocky Mountain Lab visual medical arts office digitally colourised the images.SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID-19 disease, which has grown to be a global public health emergency since cases were first detected in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.
OPS:This scanning electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2 (yellow)—also known as 2019-nCoV, the virus that causes COVID-19—isolated from a patient in the U.S., emerging from the surface of cells (pink) cultured in the lab.
Picture supplied by Ferrari
NK PRO, o organizație care monitorizează Coreea de Nord, a anunțat marți, pe baza unei analize a imaginilor din satelit, că mișcările bărcilor de lux folosite de Kim Jong un și de apropiații săi arată că acesta s-ar afla în orașul port Wonsan, scrie Reuters.
Veștile vin după ce săptămâna trecută, o altă organizație din SUA, 38 North, a identificat trenul folosit de dictator tot în zona orașului Wonsan, acolo unde acesta are o vilă.
Presa oficială de la Phenian nu a mai raportat nimic despre locul unde se află Kim din 11 aprilie, dar a preluat aproape zilnic mesaje diplomatice și declarații ale acestuia.
Complexul lui Kim din Wonsan, un oraș aflat în estul țării, are o mulțime de vile de oaspeți, o plajă privată, un teren de baschet, dar și stație specială pentru trenul cu care dictatorul ajunge în general acolo. Tot acolo se află și iahtul de lux al lui Kim, care în 2013 fusese evaluat la 7 milioane de dolari, potrivit Libertatea.
Wonsan este nu doar bine dotat și protejat, dar se află și într-o poziție bună, pentru a-i permite lui Kim să călătorească cu ușurință de-a lungul coastei sau pentru a se întoarce repede la Phenian, cu trenul său privat sau pe o șosea specială. Wonsan reprezintă și un loc simbolic important pentru dinastia Kim. În acest oraș a ajuns pentru prima oară Kim Ir-sen, împreună cu trupele sovietice, pentru a prelua controlul țării la finalul perioadei coloniale japoneze, în 1945.