Meghan Markle și Prințul Harry se confruntă deja cu o primă consecintă a deciziei de a renunţa la titlul de „seniori' în cadrul Casei Regale a Marii Britanii. Astfel, celebrul Muzeu Madame Tussauds din Londra a scos figurile de ceară ale lui Meghan Markle și ale Prințului Harry, din expoziția dedicată membrilor Familiei Regale.
September 29, 2019, London, London, United Kingdom: Harry and Meghan Attend Wellchild Awards. Royal Lancaster Hotel…The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attend the annual WellChild Awards at The Royal Lancaster Hotel. The event is held to praise the courage of seriously ill children and their families, and thank those who care for and support them. (Credit Image: © Pete Maclaine/i-Images via ZUMA Press) -
September 29, 2019, London, London, United Kingdom: Harry and Meghan Attend Wellchild Awards. Royal Lancaster Hotel…The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attend the annual WellChild Awards at The Royal Lancaster Hotel. The event is held to praise the courage of seriously ill children and their families, and thank those who care for and support them. (Credit Image: © Pete Maclaine/i-Images via ZUMA Press) -
Photo Must Be Credited ©Alpha Press 073074 15/10/2019
Prince Harry Duke Of Sussex and Meghan Markle Duchess of Sussex during the WellChild Awards pre Ceremony reception in London
*** No UK Rights Until 28 Days from Picture Shot Date *** -
Photo Must Be Credited ©Alpha Press 073074 07/01/2020
Prince Harry Duke of Sussex and Meghan Duchess of Sussex Markle during a visit to Canada House, in London, in thanks for the warm Canadian hospitality and support they received during their recent stay in Canada.*** No UK Rights Until 28 Days from Picture Shot Date ***
07 January 2020, England, London: Prince Harry (R), Duke of Sussex, and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, leave Canada House after their meeting with Janice Charette, Canadas High Commissioner to UK. Photo: Aaron Chown/PA Wire/dpa -
09 January 2020, England, London: The waxwork figures of Prince Harry (L) and his wife Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, can be seen after Madame Tussauds London moves their figures from its Royal Family set to elsewhere in the attraction, in the wake of the announcement that they will take a step back as „senior members' of the royal family, dividing their time between the UK and North America. Photo: Victoria Jones/PA Wire/dpa -
09 January 2020, England, London: The waxwork figures of Prince Harry (L) and his wife Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, can be seen after Madame Tussauds London moves their figures from its Royal Family set to elsewhere in the attraction, in the wake of the announcement that they will take a step back as „senior members' of the royal family, dividing their time between the UK and North America. Photo: Victoria Jones/PA Wire/dpa -
09 January 2020, England, London: (L-R) The waxwork figures of Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex can be seen in their original positions next to Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, and his wife Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, as Madame Tussauds London moved its figures of the couple from its Royal Family set to elsewhere in the attraction, in the wake of the announcement that they will take a step back as „senior members' of the royal family, dividing their time between the UK and North America. Photo: Victoria Jones/PA Wire/dpa
„Împreună cu restul lumii, reacționăm la auzul surprinzătoarelor știri că Ducele și Ducesa de Sussex vor renunța la titlurile de seniori’, a precizat Steve Davies, Manager General la Madam Tussauds Londra, potrivit CNN.
Comunicatul continuă: „Începând de astăzi, figurile lui Meghan și Harry nu vor mai apărea în galeria Familiei Regale. Având în vedere că sunt două dintre cele mai populare și iubite figuri, bineînțeles că vor rămâne în continuare o adiție importantă la Madame Tussauds Londra, în timp ce așteptăm să vedem ce îi așteaptă în noul capitol al vieții lor.’
Figurile de ceară
apăreau alături de cele ale Reginei Elisabeta, Prințul Philip, Prințul de
Wales, Ducesa de Cornwall și Ducii de Cambridge (Kate Middleton și Prințul